lunes, 31 de octubre de 2016

World's largest MPA declared in Antarctica

Read this piece of news related to the Ross Sea, a recently declared marine protected area in Antarctica


Please, answer these questions after reading this piece of news:
1. How large is this area if compared with Spain?
2. What is this area protected from?
3. Why is the Ross Sea so important for animal life? 
4. Will fishing be possible in a future?
5. How did Lewis Pugh draw attention to the Ross Sea?
6. Who is Philippa Ross?

martes, 18 de octubre de 2016

English | Unit 1: The economic activity

Here you have the English materials and exercises related to Unit 1 The economic activity. Please, download and print this material. Remember that it will represent a 10% of the questions in the next test.

Jay Walking about Geography

Watch this video in which famous American TV host Jay Leno asks people about Geography. Are they skilled enough to answer correctly?

domingo, 16 de octubre de 2016

The National Geographic Bee

The National Geographic Bee is a nation-wide event that tests students' knowledge about geography. It takes place every year in the United States. In the following link you can test how much you know about geography:
In the following video, newscaster Soledad O'Brien asks some people about geography. Do you think they are good enough in this subject?