domingo, 8 de diciembre de 2019

English | Unit 3: Secondary sector

Here you have the English materials about Unit 3 "Industrial activities and areas". You can download them here.

miércoles, 30 de octubre de 2019

domingo, 15 de septiembre de 2019

World maps to cut out

Some activities in your textbook will ask you to point some countries in an empty world map. In order to help you, here you can get some empty world maps ready to cut out and paste on your notebook:

Phisycal empty maps and landforms

In order to work with empty maps you must follow the instructions below:

Descarga los mapas y situa los nombres de los accidentes geográficos usando BOLÍGRAFOS DE TRES COLORES DIFERENTES:
  • NEGRO para el RELIEVE (cordilleras, mesetas, depresiones, etc.)
  • AZUL para la HIDROGRAFÍA (océanos, mares, lagos, ríos,...)
  • VERDE para el RELIEVE COSTERO (islas, penínsulas, cabos, golfos,..)
Ací teniu la LLISTA DE DADES FÍSIQUES PER CONTINENTS i, a continuació, els MAPES MUTS per a descarregar i emplenar:

  1. Escriu els noms dels continents i oceans.
  2. Situa al mapa els accidents geogràfics de l'exercici 2 de la pàgina 148, indicant en el teu quadern el tipus d'accident de què es tracta.
  3. Localitza els accidents geogràfics de l'exercici 1 de la pàgina 161 del llibre.
  4. Anomena els quatre accidents geogràfics assenyalats en l'exercici 3 de la pàgina 161.

En tots els mapes has d'escriure els noms dels accidents geogràfics amb BOLÍGRAFS DE TRES COLORS DISTINTS:
NEGRE per al RELLEU (serralades, planes, etc.)
BLAU per a la HIDROGRAFIA (oceans, mars, llacs, rius,...)
VERD per al RELLEU COSTANER (illes, penínsules, caps, golfs,..)

English | Units 7&8: The phisycal map of the Earth

Welcome to the subject of Geography 3rd ESO.
In this link you can download and print at home the English materials related to units 7 & 8 of your textbook. In these papers you can review the basic concepts of Physical Geography and you can also learn the key words in English. I remind you to build a table like the following one in order to show the same concept in the three languages:

miércoles, 29 de mayo de 2019

Political organization: Spain

Descarga e imprime el siguiente mapa mudo de España. completándolo con el nombre de las provincias y comunidades autónomas (con sus capitales). Coloréalo.

jueves, 23 de mayo de 2019

Political organization: Europe

In order to learn the map of Europe here are two links to interactive games:
- And you can also learn the countries with music, by watching (and practising with) this video from KidsTV123:

- Aquí puedes descargar e imprimir el mapa mudo de Europa:

- Here you have a table with the name IN ENGLISH of all European countries and their capitals:

- Consulta els mapes i la resta d'informació continguda en el tema 11 del llibre (pàgs. 228 i 236) i emplena el mapa d'acord amb les següents instruccions:
  • Escribir el nombre de los veintiocho (28) ESTADOS miembros de la UNIÓN EUROPEA (color de boli azul y en MAYÚSCULAS) y sus capitales (color de boli azul y en Minúsculas).
  • Colorear los seis (6) países fundadores de la UNIÓN EUROPEA (color A); los tres (3) países de la primera ampliación de 1973 (color B); el país que ingresó en 1981 (color C); los dos (2) países de la 3ª ampliación (1986, color D); los tres (3) países de la 4ª ampliación (1995, color E); los diez (10) países de la 5ª ampliación (2004, color F); los dos (2) países de la 6ª ampliación (2007, color G); y el último país en incorporarse (2013, color H).
  • Rotular els LÍMITS de la Unió Europea.
  • Escriviu el nom del LA RESTA DELS ESTATS europeus (color de boli negre i amb MAJÚSCULES) i de les seues capitals (color de boli negre i en Minúscules).
  • Si algún Estado es muy pequeño y el nombre no cabe, se señalará en el mapa con un número y se escribirá su nombre y capital en uno de los márgenes de la hoja en su color de boli correspondiente.

jueves, 16 de mayo de 2019

Political organization: America

In order to learn the political organization of The Americas, here you have some materials at your disposal:
Here are links to empty political maps of The Americas IN TWO PARTS (Tip: print them in a single paper on both sides): 
In the maps you must 
  • write the name of the countries (in CAPITALS) and place their capitals (in Lower case
  • write the name of the oceans and seas.

miércoles, 15 de mayo de 2019

Democracy around the world: The Economist's Democracy Index 2018

Here you can find some information about the current situation of democracy around the world. 
Here are some activities to do:
1. Make up a current table similar to that on page no. 219. (You can find it on Wikipedia.)  
2. Name the 20 countries labeled as 'Full democracies' and write some of their features. Where are those countries mainly located? How many of them are monarchies? 
3. Name some of the features of the authoritarian regimes. Which is the most authoritarian regime in the world? Comment the examples of two Latin American countries that have sunk into this cathegory.
4. What is it said about women's political participation in the 2018 report?
5. What does the word 'populism' suggest to you? In which countries of Latin America has populism returned? Why? Highlight the ideological differences between their two leaders.
6. Which European countries have declined in the rankings of democracy? Explain shortly the causes.

martes, 14 de mayo de 2019

Madrileños por el mundo: Asia

De la conocida serie documentales en la que personas originarias de la Comunidad de Madrid cuentan cómo viven y trabajan fuera de España, selecciono una muestra de países de Asia para mostrar la gran diversidad natural, social y cultural del más extenso de los continentes:

Madrileños por el mundo: Kazajstán
 Madrileños por el mundo: Kuala Lumpur (Malasia)
Madrileños por el mundo: Islas Maldivas 
En los dos últimos reportajes se menciona el durian, una exótica fruta típica del sudeste asiático que por su aspecto, olor y sabor no dejan indiferente a nadie. Veamos qué opinan de ella estos niños:



domingo, 12 de mayo de 2019

Who Bit My Border?

In this interesting 2012 article in The New York Times you can learn how the island of New Guinea was split between Indonesia and Papua New Guinea (commonly PNG). Reading Who Bit My Border? will allow you to understand the origin of an agreement that led to this curious line, the border between two continents: Asia and Oceania.

jueves, 9 de mayo de 2019

Political organization: Asia

In order to learn the political organization of Asia, here you have some materials at your disposal:
Here is a link to an empty political map of Asia. In this map you must 
  • write the name of the countries (in CAPITALS) and their capitals (in Lower case)
  • colour the SIX regions into which Asia is divided (Central, East, North, Southeast, Western and South) according to the political division of the UNSD 
  • write the name of the oceans and seas.

martes, 30 de abril de 2019

Political organization: Africa

In order to learn the political organization of Africa, here you have some materials at your disposal:
Here is a link to an empty political map of Africa. In this map you must 
Please, do not forget to draw the border of the new country of South Sudan (this map comes from an older version), and remember to place some archipelagos (Sao Tomé, the Seychelles and Mauritius) that are not shown.

martes, 12 de marzo de 2019

miércoles, 6 de febrero de 2019

English | Unit 4: Tertiary sector

Here you have the English materials related to Unit 4 "Tertiary activities and their transformation". You can download them here.

lunes, 7 de enero de 2019

English | Unit 3: Secondary sector

Here you have the English materials related to Unit 3 "Industrial activities and areas". You can download them here.