jueves, 26 de abril de 2018

Korean summit 2018: a walk to peace

In a few hours, on April 27th 2018, the two Korean leaders Kim Jong-un (North) and Moon Jae-in (South) will meet in the Peace House located at the military demarcation line in the JSA at the border. This is a historic meeting between the leaders of two nations that technically remain in a state of war since the end of the Korean war (1950-1953). Clic here for more information.

martes, 24 de abril de 2018

Conociendo el IDH

Aquí tenéis el último informe sobre desarrollo humano, correspondiente a 2016 que anualmente elabora el Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo. En el prólogo y en la contraportada podemos ver un resumen del contenido del informe. En la tabla de las páginas 32-35 tenemos los países ordenados según estos 4 niveles de IDH:
  • Muy alto: entre 0,800 y 1
  • Alto: entre 0,700 y 0,799
  • Medio: entre 0,550 y 0,699
  • Bajo: menor que 0,550
En este enlace a Wikipedia tenéis unos cuadros resumen del IDH actualizados. Como ya sabéis, el IDH es un indicador muy importante porque recoge simultáneamente indicadores económicos y sociales. 
En este otro enlace se observa la evolución por países del IDH a lo largo del periodo 1990-2015.
In this video you can find relevant information about the UNDP report 2016:

*Here are some questions:
1. Name some improvements in human development that took place during the last quarter of the century.
2. Name some groups of people that have been excluded by social, political, economic and cultural barriers.
3. What must be done in order to determine what people have been excluded and why?
4. The 2016 report proposes some policy options to improve human development. Name them.
5. Who says what? Stefan Löfven, Juan Manuel Santos, Angela Merkel, Melinda Gates, Helen Clark, Selim Jahan
- «It is necessary to define what poor people are.»
- «We cannot move people apart.»
- «We are all equal.»
- «Governments must take also foreign people into account.»
- «Everything is possible.»
- «We all have something to do.»